An Almost Perfect Sunday #WordsWeedsandWobbles

Sunday garden

The sun is shining and there’s enough of a breeze to make working in the garden a pleasant experience. The washing is blowing on the line and will smell of the outdoors when I bring it in. I’ve weeded the gooseberry bed and cut down some of the ivy on the conifer that is shading the pond area.

Earlier on in the day I had my google meeting meet with Guy and a good catch up on family matters and where we are with our writing.

I’ve not done much of that recently, as my time has been taken up with visiting Mike in hospital and, when he came home, being on call as he slowly regains his strength after a serious blood infection.

My creative life on hold ,a creeping frustration set in, plus the anxiety of how and when I was going to publish “Friday Nights with Rosa’s” which I’ve promised myself will be out some time this year. Today, however, I’ve managed to start work on what I need to do as far as marketing and social media is concerned. I’ve also admitted that because of life circumstances I’m not going to be able to go it alone, as I’d planned, and have reached out for help from friends. Thank you, Barry Lillie, Jan Edwards, Peter Coleborn and Duncan Bourne. Since resolving to do this, my teeth have un-gritted and the knot in my stomach loosened.  I’m feeling more positive and looking back at the day so far I can see that I’ve spent it doing many of my favourite things.

And now I’m back to blogging, which I love and when this is posted, I’ll take a peek at my Facebook Author page, then pick some rhubarb which will stew in the oven alongside the soda bread I’m going to bake.

All I need now is a glass of wine and a good book to round off an almost perfect Sunday.

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